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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
APO center 16, 35
ASHA DULHAN mehandi center 3
BACHELOR juice center 29
BADAL krishna beads center 26
BENCARDO bathware center 11
BROOKLYN center fresh 30
CAT center for anti-virus 16
CEE center for education 41
CIIT computer center 41
COED center of excellence 41
COKOBON center filled 30
CRD dna research center 31
CSETT center 41
DEVAKI health care center 16
ELCO pani puri center 30
FITBUZZ city center 16
FUCHS quick lube center 4
GANESH tea center +god 30
GCI gemological center 41
GCL gemological center 42
I'M center for applied arts 16
IM center for applied arts 20
J.C. computer center 16
JIGAR tea center & depo. 30
KBC kalyan biryani center 29
KHAMBATTA center excellence 16, 41
KIDYUS play center +faces 41
LOTUS diabetes center +arcs 44
LUPIN bioresearch center 5
MADHUR IN SIDE center fille 30
MICROLAND smart center +ova 42
MMC MANGA music center +man 9
NIIT IMPERIA center 16, 41
center 42
OMV net center 42
PENTWARE computer center 16
PFC pune fertility center 42
PMC perfect machine center 35
RELIANCE ABC book center 42
RELIANCE a2z book center 42
RELIANCE data center 38, 41
RELIANCE food center 42
RG city center 36
S SEMLER research center 42
SANGAM brooms center +birds 21
SANGAM saree center 16, 35
SCOD surgical center +circl 44
SILKOR laser medical center 44
TAPPING center 7
TATA medical center +circle 16, 42
TD center 40
TWB center of excellence 41
VABT call center training 41
VINEYARD center +grapes 16
VISHWAS tasty center +chef 30
WADIA international center 2
WHC world health center 42
ZED POINT knowledge center 9
aap ka TIP center 35
internet business center 16
noida entertainment center 41
shiksha the learning center 41
u unwind center 16
wadia international center 22, 34, 35
TIMES premium soft centered 30
centr 42
centr 44
centr 41
central +flower & arrows 35
central SQUARE +birds 9, 16, 19, 20, 35, 36, 37, 42
central festival 36
CIC central india computer 16
CIMT central institute 16
CRU-central recovery unit 16
CS central school +eye 41
DISH central +circle 31
FORUM central 16
FOX sports central 41
GRILL THRILLS central park 30, 33
GT central 37
K.M.R. central 12
SOUP central +spiral 32
food central TASTE LIFE 30
food central a way of life! 29
centre COURT 28
centre for lusofone studies 41
centre of learning +circles 41
A.S. training centre 41
AA ANIGMA int'l centre 39
ABC academic book centre 16
ACC antech computer centre 16
ACTIVE computer centre 16
AGRAWAL diagnostic centre 42
AMBIENCE city centre 36, 37
ANAND cut piece centre 24
ANIL auto centre 12
ASHOKA steel centre 21
ASMAS ladies centre 25
B.K. diagnostic centre +sun 44
BANSARA eye care centre +ey 42
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